The LPG Regulator Unit was established in 1999 with a capacity to manufacture 4000 regulators per day per 8 hour shift with state of the art machines completely integrated in-house facility for manufacturing of all components as well as assembly testing. At present the main production is of SIERRA Technology and the regulators are being supplied to Indian Oil Corporations. However the unit has capacity to manufacture other regulators as per design, drawing of our customers.
Some of the salient features of the regulator Division are:
- Pressure Die Casting facility both Hot Chamber and Cold Chamber.
- SPMs for automatic machining of regulator components.
- Facility for electro-galvanizing and chromatising of components including the main body and cover.
- Paint shop for complete powder coating of body and cover.
- Assembly room with hydro-pneumatic presses and systems for accurate and precision assembly of all components.
- Testing all parameters of performance on 100% production.